Co-creating a culture of peace
Here are the most recent articles!
By Robert C. Koehler And now Trump consciousness purports to claim – or reclaim – control over America: the land of white Christian nationalists and no one else, damnit! But of course that level of selfishness – mine, mine, mine! – is only possible to maintain with a huge helping of fear alongside it: fear […]
By Robert C. Koehler Uh oh, nukes coming in. Should we retaliate? This strikes me as the stupidest question a human being could ask – and, just possibly, also the last. Our enemy of the moment is loosing hell on us (if warning signals are accurate), so let’s do the same back at them. If […]
By Robert C. Koehler “I left you for God, Daddy.” Let those words resonate across the planet. The speaker is Yahya Al-Batran, a Palestinian man – a dad – imagining the words his newborn son would have said. The boy, Jumaa, froze to death in the family’s tent. The infant had a twin brother who […]
By Robert C. Koehler I welcome in the new year with a sense of abstract helplessness, as the headlines continue to bring us dead children, bombed hospitals, torture, rape and, of course, ever more “self-defense” (sometimes known as genocide). From my safe, secure office space I absorb the daily news – from Gaza, from all […]
By Robert C. Koehler Dig, ponder, dig some more. A year ago I wrote a column about some of the early moments of my growing up – not just memories but profound moments of awareness; flickers, you might say, of becoming who I am. I was 77 at the time. Now I’m . . . […]
By Robert C. Koehler More than fifteen years after the “kids for cash” scandal shocked the nation, it’s back, stirring not just public incredulity but, for some, soul-slicing memories of hell on Earth. This is thanks to Joe Biden’s decision to grant clemency to Michel Conahan, one of two juvenile-court judges in Luzerne County. Pennsylvania, […]
By Robert C. Koehler You may not have noticed this. The world “celebrated” International Human Rights Day the other day, even as wars across the planet continued, bombs fell, children died. What if “freedom from war” were a human right? I don’t ask this to be cynical, but rather to expand the reach of what […]
By Robert C. Koehler War, war and more war. It’s only possible for one reason: the belief that only some people are fully human. Those who aren’t . . . well, they can be killed when necessary. My inner scream at this false reality we feed ourselves — via the media, via mainstream politics — […]
By Robert C. Koehler As Christian nationalism, the political right and Trump-mania seem to tighten their grip on the country, maybe now is the time for me to take a deep dig into the complex preciousness of . . . life itself. Hey, guess what? I’m “pro-life” — by which I mean, you know, pro-life […]
By Robert C. Koehler If you want to play the game of politics, here’s step one: Reduce everything to a linear political viewpoint: “right” or “left.” No matter how deep and large and complex that viewpoint is, politicize it, turn it into something that’s either right or wrong. It’s all about winning or losing. Did […]
By Robert C. Koehler “America is for Americans – Americans only!” The words are those of Stephen Miller, speaking last month at the infamous Madison Square Garden rally, but they define Donald Trump. This is the message – the cry from the mountaintop – he brought to the country . . . at least to […]
By Robert C. Koehler I guess I’d call the Trump victory an “expected” shock. In the deepest core of my being, I was unhappy with virtually everything about the election: unhappy with the Kamala Harris campaign and her unrelenting support of Israeli genocide, unhappy with the Democratic Party and its contempt for progressive voters’ values […]
By Robert C. Koehler “I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the ocean. Yeah, I think it’s called Puerto Rico.” This racist pseudo-joke, uttered by Tony Hinchecliffe at the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden on Oct. 27, has been virally shamed. It’s even been […]
By Robert C. Koehler Early voting’s underway. My voting site is the Willye White Park fieldhouse, a mile north of where I live — a place I have enormous affection for, even though I only ever go there for one reason, every two years or so: to vote. It feels like a sacred ritual — […]
By Robert C. Koehler “The past carries unforgettable trauma and pain across the land and among generations of refugees; yet we choose to transform victimhood into agency. We want to be the authors of our future.” Let these words resonate. In a sense, they’re all we have — if we oppose war and envision a […]
By Robert C. Koehler Colonialism is hardly a thing of the past – it’s alive and vibrant as ever . . . from the Middle East to Western Europe to the United States to India and God knows where else. And it can be profitable as hell, at least for the right industries. Be afraid. […]
By Robert C. Koehler “Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come into being.” These words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, from his book The Phenomenon of Man, may well be worth meditating on every day. The forces of . . . love? […]
By Robert C. Koehler Is it possible to expand the stakes of this election beyond the nation’s two-party pseudo-democracy? I have to write this. I have to express solidarity with all the other lost and torn voters out there, who are struggling with the question of the moment: Who should I vote for? Israel’s genocidal […]
By Robert C. Koehler “The man suspected in the incident . . . camped outside the golf course in West Palm Beach with food and a rifle for nearly 12 hours, according to court documents filed Monday. He is accused of lying in wait for the former president before a Secret Service agent opened fire, […]
By Robert C. Koehler If nothing else, Donald Trump is forcing mainstream America out of its jailcell of clichés and political correctness – even though his apparent “vision” for America is primarily a dark comedy of lies. Yeah, I watched the debate. Was the Trump character played by Rodney Dangerfield? Maybe Don Rickles? He could […]
By Robert C. Koehler “As I said then, I say today, Israel had a right — has a right to defend itself.” This is militarism set in stone. The words are those of Kamala Harris, of course, in her extensive CNN interview last week – quick words that lead the charge and spew the glory, […]
By Robert C. Koehler Can politics be equal to the deepest of who we are? Can humanity evolve beyond war? Such questions — I know, I know — are never officially asked during a presidential campaign. That’s not the point of the election: to plunge philosophically and spiritually into who we are. And thus, as […]
By Robert C. Koehler The Democratic National Convention was happening here in Chicago — my city — and I sat frozen at my desk, staring at my computer. Earlier in my life, yeah, I’d have gone down to the United Center, linked arms with the sane and outraged, joined the cry: Stop funding genocide! Instead, […]
By Robert C. Koehler I stroke the unknown . . . Bear with me as I finish my short walk. I was ambling through my neighborhood the other day, wielding a pair of walking sticks, “forcing myself,” you might say, to enjoy the beautiful afternoon but actually just plodding forward, in a hurry to get […]
By Robert C. Koehler The corporate media report on elections — especially the biggie coming up — as though they were sporting events. If you win, hurray! You get the gold cup or whatever. The election process is a matter of shrewd strategy combined with, uh, likability. Thus, as per the New York Times: “Tim […]